Diets and weight loss - Health and fitness

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Healthy Grocery Shopping Equals Weight Loss

Everyone knows that quick weight loss starts with healthy grocery shopping. You can't expect to lose weight if your kitchen cabinets are loaded with junk food and high calorie processed foods. Having these types of foods in your house only encourages their consumption. That is why it is important to be a smart shopper. You should know which foods to buy and which foods to stay away from.

One of the key points to remember when you go grocery shopping is to "never go to the market hungry." Everyone will tell you this. It is one of the biggest mistakes you can make because shopping while hungry equals a lot of unnecessary foods in your cart. Once you are well fed you are ready to shop. Your first stop should be the fresh produce aisle. Fresh produce provide our bodies with vitamins, minerals and other vital nutrients. And as a bonus, fresh produce are excellent for weight loss. Once you picked out your fruit and veggies, it is time to make your way over to the bread, cereal, and pasta aisle. When choosing the best of these products try to go with "whole grains." White bread and white pasta are no longer the best way to go. Whole grains are much better for you and your family.

Your third stop should be the meat, poultry and fish aisle. Be sure to keep your meat cuts lean and make fish the choice food at least twice a week. Lean meats will give your family protein and fish will provide important omega 3 fatty acids. Your last step at the grocery store should be the dairy section. Be sure to choose products that are low in fat or fat free. This is important even if you are not trying to lose weight. These are just a few healthy shopping tips for the average consumer.

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